What makes us human? And is it possible to become more human? These are big questions and the driving force behind HealthyPsych.

Our mission and hope is for all people to lead happy and healthy lives.

A life brimming with deeply connected and supportive relationships, a generosity of spirit, radical self-acceptance, a space to play and explore, and a clarity of purpose and meaning.

A tall order, but we are taking it on.

Because we believe these are the elements of fully embodied humanity.

Put simply:


And by building a diverse, open and thoughtful online community centered around progressive psychology, HealthyPsych is working to make a big, more human life accessible to all.


Many of us seek help finding happiness, meaning, and/or emotional health.

This often looks different from person to person. Some seek alternative practices like life coaching or meditation, while others look to more traditional forms of psychological treatment like therapy.

But many don’t seek help.

Nearly 2/3 of people suffering depression aren’t getting treatment a recent study by the National Center of Health Statistics found. This number is likely far greater when you include challenges of a subclinical nature.

And untreated mental health issues have wide reaching impact.

In addition to a person’s sense of self, research shows that poor mental health can negatively impact physical health and vice-versa.

But what is often overlooked are the ways in which mental health can have profound impacts on relationships. Not only a person’s inner circle, but also their community and society as a whole. This can be seen with behavior like implicit bias in the workplace, aggression toward women and people of color, and intolerance of cultural differences.

And so mental health care plays a critical role in promoting not only the well-being of individuals, but also our society as it increases compassion, understanding and curiosity, about ourselves and about the world.

More than ever, our happiness is tied to the way we treat each other and the way we treat ourselves.

We believe that a healthy psyche is one that is fully human.

We believe that the common understanding of what is “mentally healthy” needs to be expanded to include not only innate positive human qualities, but also a recognition of our common humanity; lack of discrimination; openness to difference; and compassion for all.

That’s why we created HealthyPsych. To provide the resources you need to live a fulfilled, deeply connected, and mentally healthy life.

“You don’t need to be better than any one else, you just need to be better than you used to be.” –Dr. Wayne Dyer


These are the unwavering commitments we consistently make to you:

1.) Quality: of information, tools, and support. We put a lot of energy into ensuring that the HealthyPsych name is tied to sound and practical information to help advance healing and happiness.

2.) Authenticity: having the space and support to speak one’s truth, regardless of whether it is a commonly accepted notion.

3.) Generosity: imbuing thoughts and actions with the spirit of generosity, which includes the recognition that working on oneself and supporting progressive initiatives all support the greater good.

4.) Equanimity: taking life seriously, but not too seriously! We believe in having a lighthearted approach to yourself and to others.

5.) Personal Growth: a “walk the talk” commitment to lifelong personal growth and development.


The brainchild of two lifelong best friends, HealthyPsych is run by a passionate team of highly educated behavioral health professionals interested in social change. We’ve spent decades helping people, both in private practice and nonprofit settings.

We believe emotional care is a daily journey that can encompass the spiritual, sociological, intellectual and clinical.

Whether your emotional challenges are clinical or more general, we want to help you achieve a healthy, human state of being that is innately positive, empowered, and compassionate to all. Most importantly, we want to help you build strong and authentic relationships with others—perhaps the ultimate key to a healthy and fulfilled life.

Thank you and we look forward to creating a more human world.