Silencing Your Inner Critic
December 10, 2015
Silencing your inner critic, photo: Hush by LaVladina at FlickrPhoto Credit: LaVladina
Your inner voice is comprised of the self-talk that you engage in on a daily basis. For many, this internal dialogue can be quite critical, contributing to negative emotional states and behavior,... Read More...
When is Grief Complicated?
Grief - Tree through rain by Seyed Mostafa Zamani @ FlickrPhoto Credit: Seyed Mostafa Zamani
Grief is the expected and arguably necessary human response to loss. Grieving has a purpose: it is the process by which an individual confronts the incredible range of emotions that can take hold... Read More...
Psychology Tools: More Curiosity, Less Judgment
June 25, 2015
Iceland's Blue Lagoon - people looking relaxed, curious, non-judgmental in this unique environmentPhoto Credit: Moyan Brenn (Iceland’s Blue Lagoon)
Cultivating curiosity – rather than judgment – can lead to a variety of benefits, including more inner peace, self-acceptance, kindness and healthier communication. Try this exercise based... Read More...
How to Combat Boredom? Start by Understanding It
February 5, 2015
Young man looking bored, needing help with overcoming boredom and increasing motivationPhoto Credit: Leon Fishman
All of us feel bored at times. Finding the inspiration to create something new, or the energy to complete a routine task, can be particularly difficult when we feel uninterested. Boredom can also... Read More...
How To Help Someone Who is Having Suicidal Thoughts
December 4, 2014
Hope: If you're going through hell, keep going. -Winston ChurchillOriginal Photo Credit: Pol Sifter
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 40,000 Americans die due to suicide every year, making suicide the 10th leading cause of death in the nation. Recently, I learned... Read More...
Thanksgiving: America’s Ultimate Mood Cure
November 24, 2014
Happy Thanksgiving photo by Satya MurthyPhoto Credit: Satya Murthy
As winter approaches and our moods take a natural dip, look no further than your Thanksgiving dinner for clues to keep the blues away. There is mounting research and interest in the fact that our... Read More...
5 Foods to Boost Your Mood (that you are probably not eating enough)
October 29, 2014
Kale by Terren in Virginia @ FlickrPhoto Credit: Terren@Flickr
While our physical health is regularly linked with our diet, our mental health is almost always attributed to biochemical or emotional factors. But with an increasing number of studies on brain... Read More...
Can Running Make You Happier and Smarter? Research on the Benefits of Exercise
September 17, 2014
people running showing benefits of exercise, including happierPhoto Credit: Kevin Dooley
Engaging in exercise offers benefits beyond just improving your physical health or losing weight: exercise actually leads to positive changes in the brain! In this post, I’ll explain two ways that... Read More...
H.A.L.T. (Hungry, Angry, Lonely and Tired): A Self-Care Tool
I first came across the acronym H.A.L.T. when I was working as a counselor in chemical dependency treatment centers twenty years ago. H.A.L.T. stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired. Each one of... Read More...
Lazy is a Four Letter Word: Compassionate ways to Increase Motivation
It is bad enough to want to accomplish things when we just don’t feel we have the time, energy or motivation. So why make yourself feel even worse by calling yourself lazy? Instead, try these 7... Read More...

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