Play to Your Strengths: The Science of Character Strengths (Positive Psychology Series #4)
Wordcloud of character strengths like wisdom, justice, love and courageMade at
According to psychologists, understanding and utilizing our character strengths and virtues is a key component of living a good life. Rather than feeding the tendency to notice what’s wrong,... Read More...
You Are Worthy: How to Overcome Feelings of Shame
April 25, 2017
Lazy Hours by Md saad andalib @ flickr-blog-post-about-shame-and-worthinessPhoto Credit: MD saad andalib

We don’t often talk about it, but we all experience feelings of shame at one point or another – times when we feel deficient, faulty or unworthy. When we feel…

How Do You Feel About Yourself? Tips For Raising Self-Esteem
January 25, 2016
How do you feel about yourself? Tips for Raising Self Esteem, picture titled Observer by Hernan Pinera at FlicrkPhoto Credit Hernan Pinera
You’ve probably heard that self-esteem is important, but you may not know exactly what to do if you’re not feeling so great about yourself. In today’s post, I’ll review what self-esteem is,... Read More...
Silencing Your Inner Critic
December 10, 2015
Silencing your inner critic, photo: Hush by LaVladina at FlickrPhoto Credit: LaVladina
Your inner voice is comprised of the self-talk that you engage in on a daily basis. For many, this internal dialogue can be quite critical, contributing to negative emotional states and behavior,... Read More...
20 Quotes in Memory of Dr. Wayne Dyer, Self-Help Psychologist
September 5, 2015
Wayne Dyer Tribute: "You are in partnership with all other human beings, not a contest to be judged better than some and worse than others."Photo Credit: Marti W
He came from humble beginnings, raised in foster homes and an orphanage, and died a giant. On August 29, 2015, Wayne Dyer, PhD., prolific author and public speaker in the field of self-help... Read More...
The Core of Co-Dependency
The only person you can now or ever change is yourself. -Melody Beattie quote, photo by Moyan BrennOriginal Photo Credit: Moyan Brenn
At the center of co-dependency lies low self-esteem and low self-worth or, in different words, negative beliefs about my lovability and my contributions in this world. Because the term co-dependency... Read More...
Why Smart People Fail: 3 Key Insights
April 30, 2015
Churchill quote - success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasmPhoto Credit: Gareth Williams
Have you ever failed at a task despite your best efforts? If you’re like many of us, you may have found yourself doubting your abilities as a result of this. However, research shows that many of... Read More...
Do You Feel Like an Impostor?
March 3, 2015
Impostor Syndrome by Sacha ChuaPhoto Credit: Sacha Chua
Have you ever felt like you didn’t really earn something you achieved? Have you worried from time to time that you’re not as smart or capable as others think you are? If so, you may have... Read More...
Shame as Self-Care
October 1, 2014
Fighting shame, quote We cultivate love when we allow our most vulnerable and powerful selves to be deeply seen and known - quote by Brene BrownOriginal Photo (without quote) by: Moyan Brenn
At the core of shame is the fear that we are fundamentally not OK; it is the sense that something is wrong with us, that we should not have particular feelings or thoughts. This post reviews the... Read More...
The Secret to Success? True Grit
September 24, 2014
MLK quote about the secret to Success - "we must combine the toughness of the serpent with the softness of the dove, a tough mind and a tender heart."Photo Credit: Celestine Chua
What does it take to be successful? Innate talent? High IQ? Money? Good looks? Social IQ? Turns out, while all of those things can help contribute to success, there’s something else that plays an... Read More...

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