
Below you will find an FAQ section with answers to commonly asked questions regarding the HealthyPsych website. We welcome your comments and questions, and encourage you to contact us with ideas for content, features and any bugs you might bump into.

Sections are divided into FAQs regarding our Social Network and other General features:







Our social network is focused on personal growth and psychological well-being and features the typical things you’d see in a social media network: profiles, activity streams, and messaging. It’s free to join and all people are welcome.


How to Register?

Anybody can read the content on, but to interact with special features, like the community forum and friends making feature, you need to register.

The registration process is simple.

1.) Click on the “Sign up” links found at the top of every page.

2.) Complete the fields on the “Create an account” page.

As you’ll see, there are some privacy controls available in your Profile.  You can control whether certain fields (e.g., your email address) can be seen by only you or by other members of the social network.   If the field says “Only me” – it can only be seen by you.  Next to that text is a green link entitled “Change.” Select the “Change” link if you’d like to alter the privacy settings: you will be given options from a menu.   Once you’ve selected which privacy setting you want, click “Close.”

3.) Once you’ve entered all of your profile and account information, select the “Complete Sign Up” button and you’re finished!

Note: Your profile information can been seen other members of the directory by clicking on your user name. You do have privacy controls over certain pieces of information like whether to show/hide your email address or not. However, most information, like your activity stream, is visible to other members of the network and our Forum is visible to anybody who visits the site.

How to Access my Profile?

Once you’ve created your account and profile, you can access it anytime by clicking on your name anywhere that it appears on the site.  Your user name will always appear on the blue navigation bar at the upper right side of each page, and will also appear on any posts you create in the blog or forum.

When you go to your profile/member page (titled “Members”), you’ll see several buttons in a row with links to things like “Activity” (which shows all of your activity on the site to date); “Profile” (allows you to edit your profile, including adding a personalized avatar); and “Forums” (which provides a link a summary page of your Forum activity to date).

How to Edit my Profile?

1.)  After logging in, go to your Profile page by clicking on your name or avatar that appears on the top blue navigation menu.  This will take you to your member page.

2.)  On your member page, click on “Profile” on the green menu.

3.)  Select the “Edit” button that appears in the submenu.

4.)  Make the desired edits and click the blue “Save Changes” button when finished.

As a reminder, you can control the privacy settings of most of your profile fields, by selecting either “Only me” or “Everyone.” For example, if your setting below the field says: “This field can be seen by: Only Me Change,” then the profile field is not visible to other users.  If you want to make that information available to all users, select the green “Change” text button.  After that, the setting will read “This field can be seen by: Everyone Change.”

How to Change my Email or Password?

1.)  Go to your Members page, by clicking on your name or avatar, which appears on the blue navigation menu on the upper right hand side of every page.

2.)  Select the “General Settings” button found on the row below your name.

3.)  Follow instructions to change email or password under “General Settings.”

4.)  You can also change your specific email settings by selecting the “Email” tab under “Settings.”  This will bring you to an “Email Notification” page with menu options from which to choose.

How to Change my Avatar?

An “Avatar” is a computer graphic the represents you/participants on and elsewhere on the web.  You can upload your personal avatar – which can be some type of symbol or image, including a picture of yourself.  If you don’t upload your own, one is automatically generated for you on and appears next to your name.

To upload your own avatar/image:

1.)  After logging in, go to your Profile page by clicking on your name or avatar that appears on the top blue navigation menu.  This will take you to your member page.

2.)  On your member page, click on “Profile” on the green menu.

3.)  Select the “Change Avatar” button that appears in the submenu.

4.)  The next page will prompt you to “Choose File” and “Upload Image.”

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2.)  BLOG

How to Post to Blog?

At this time, only authorized contributors can post articles to our blog. However, we do consider guest posts from individuals with expertise in behavioral science (e.g., graduate level training and/or relevant certification) who share a passion for psychology and personal growth.

We also consider sponsored posts when the partner is in line with our Mission.

For inquires, please send us a message through our Contact page with relevant details about your background and interest.

What are Blog Categories?

To read about posts in certain categories, select the category from the drop down menu under “Blog” on the top of any page.

You can also click on the name written in all caps just below the title of the blog post.  For example, click “Mind” that is featured below the title “What is Mindfulness?” to read other healthypsych content that’s related to the mind, including tips about working with emotions and changing behavior.

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3.)  FORUM

What is the Forum?

The Forum on is a great place to interact with other users of the site.  Here, you can post questions and answers within existing topics, or add one of your own.

As with any forum, we ask that you are respectful in your communications to all users.  Also, keep in mind that the information supplied throughout, including in the Forums, is no substitute for direct advice from a professional that knows you personally.

Note: you must be a member of to interact with the forums.   Registering is easy and free:

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How to Create a New Topic Stream in the Forum?

1.)  Go to the main Forum page:

2.)  Click on the Forum title(s) that is of interest to you.

3.)  Complete information under “Create a New Topic in…”

How to Reply to a Topic in the Forum?

1.)  Go to the main Forum page:

2.)  Click on the Forum title(s) that is of interest to you.

3.)  Click on the specific Topic within that Forum that is of interest to you.  Read what others have posted and post your comment or question on the bottom of the page where it says “Reply to: topic name.”


Forum participants can “favorite” any topic. These topics are available later for review from the participant’s forum profile. Additionally a custom RSS feed is available allowing participants to stay up to date on topics that are important to them.


Forum participants can elect to subscribe to a forum or topic. They will be notified when a new topic is created in a subscribed forum or a new reply is posted to a subscribed topic. Subscribed forums and topics will appear on their forum user profile.

How to Create a New Forum Category?

Send a message to, if you’d like to request a new Forum category.  To send a message to the healthypsych administrator, you can:

1.)   Click this link:


2.)   Find healthypsych administrator in the Members directory, by clicking the “Members” tab on the top left navigation menu.  Tabs giving you the option of sending a “Private Message” (only healthpsych can see) or a “Public Message” are available.

How to Keep Track of your Forum Activity?

1.)  Go to your Members page, by clicking on your name or avatar, which appears on the blue navigation menu on the upper right hand side of every page.

2.)  Select the “Forums” tab on the green menu on your Member page.

3.)  Submenu options: here you’ll see a submenu which allow you to see “Topics Started” by you; “Replies Created” by you; your “Favorite” forums; and the forums you have “Subscriptions” in.

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How to Request Friend?

Click on avatar of the person you’d like to be friends with.  For example, click on their avatar under a post they’ve made in the Forum.  That will take you to their profile page.  On that page, you’ll see a button entitled “Add Friend.”  Select that button and a message will be sent to that user who can then confirm or deny your request; you will be informed of their response via an auto email message.

Once you’ve made friends, you can follow your friends’ activity on by doing the following:

1.)  Go to your own “Activity” button attached to your profile
2.)  Go to submenu options  and select the “Friends” tab that appears in gray text.

You can view a list of all your current friends by selecting the green “Friends” button that appears on your individual Members page.  Click on their name or avatar to view their profile.

How to Send Messages to Other Users?

1.)  Click on avatar of the person you’d like to send a message to.  For example, click on their avatar under a post they’ve made in the Forum, or you can find them on the Social Network list.

2.)  That will take you to their profile page.  On that page, you’ll see button options to send either a private message (that only they can see), or a public one.

 5.)  FACEBOOK and

A great way to stay apprised of the happenings at is to “Like” our Facebook page: Facebook/HealthyPsych.  Thank you!

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The content on is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for direct professional advice or treatment, including: psychological, psychiatric or other types of medical advice; and other relevant professional services.

We always recommend that you consult with a professional provider about your personal questions or concerns.

Information on is provided on an “as-is” basis and reliance on this information is at your own risk. healthy psych (including its’ authors, members and other affiliates) is not liable for any advice or information provided on the site.

See our entire Terms of Use & Privacy Policy for further information.

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Message: To send a message to HealthyPsych, please go to our Contact page.


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Thank you for visiting HealthyPsych! 

If you find our site helpful, we invite you to like our Facebook page to get our latest updates.

Take good care in the meantime.

Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

Welcome! By using, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Disclaimer: The information and other content provided on this site, or in any linked materials, is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice.  Please consult directly with your medical provider on your specific needs. Your use of this site to locate a Psych Professional or to engage with members of the social network is voluntary and at your own risk.

Data Privacy: this site uses cookies, Google Ads and Google Analytics.  Please see the ‘Do Not Sell My Personal Information’ link at the bottom left of the page to ‘opt-out’ of personalized Google Ads.  You can also opt-out of Google targeted advertising by going here:  Go to to opt-out of data collected by Google Analytics.  Go to to learn how to clear cookies from your browser.

Please read our full Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.  If you have any questions, please message us here: Contact Us.