What Positive Psychology Can Teach Us About Coping with Adversity
Dog looking at peace sign, positive psychology and adversityPhoto Credit: HealthyPsych
While it may seem counterintuitive to focus on the positive in these times of stress and uncertainty, researchers who study positive psychology have found that cultivating positive emotions can be a... Read More...
Your Own North Star: Finding Life Purpose and Passion
December 31, 2018
bright star in sky, metaphor of using north star as guide toward life purposePhoto Credit: anieto2k

Just as the literal North Star provides direction and helps us stay on course, so does our inner North Star. It’s the part of us that knows our purpose.

Play to Your Strengths: The Science of Character Strengths (Positive Psychology Series #4)
Wordcloud of character strengths like wisdom, justice, love and courageMade at Wordclouds.com
According to psychologists, understanding and utilizing our character strengths and virtues is a key component of living a good life. Rather than feeding the tendency to notice what’s wrong,... Read More...
Forging One’s Own Path: An Interview with Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Interview with psychoanalyst, astrologer, and writer Sherene Vismaya Schostak on psychotherapy and the hermit archetype.

What is Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy?
October 26, 2017
flower in focus, showing balance of light and dark, by Patrick Emerson at FlickrPhoto Credit: Patrick Emerson
Focusing-oriented psychotherapy evolved from a holistic and body-oriented practice called “focusing.” As a therapist, I sometimes describe focusing as psychological mindfulness because it is... Read More...
5 Ways to be Awe-Inspired in Everyday Life
August 10, 2017

It’s easy to feel that inspiration is lacking in our fast-paced world. But, there are little things we can do to feel more inspired, grateful and connected everyday.

Marion Woodman: Pioneer of Conscious Femininity and the Psychology of the Soul

Marion Woodman has left a rich legacy of pioneering work in Jungian analysis, somatic psychotherapy, and feminine psychology.

Feeling Stressed? Awe Might Be What You Need
Awe, Photo titled 'Seashell' by Moyan BrennPhoto Credit: Moyan Breen
I still remember feeling awestruck when I saw the Pacific Ocean for the first time as a child. I remember how incredible it felt looking at the waves and realizing that they stretched so much farther... Read More...
Entering the Liminal Space: An Interview with Expressive Arts Therapist Dr. Lisa Herman
Desert Curves by Shira Bezalel at Flickr, Interview with Lisa Herman, Expressive Arts TherapistPhoto Credit: Shira Bezalel
Expressive arts therapy (EXA) is a form of therapy incorporating multiple arts modalities, such as poetry, movement, painting, music, and storytelling. Process is valued on par with product, and... Read More...
Navigating the Dark Night of the Soul
February 26, 2016
Navigating Dark Night of the SoulPhoto Credit: Jason Devaun
When someone is going through a particularly difficult time, we may say that he or she is having a “dark night of the soul.” During such a period, someone may be plunged into an emotional realm... Read More...

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