How To Cope With Anxiety About Climate Change
September 26, 2022
love-your-mother-earth-artwork-redwood-tree-climate-change-anxiety-and-optimismPhoto Credit:
Worried about our warming planet? You’re not alone. Psychologists call this eco-anxiety and it’s common. This post discusses ways to make climate anxiety more manageable, so that you... Read More...
The Psychology of Hope: How to Build Hope and a Better Future
The word hope painted on a metal and wood structure that looks like a bleacherPhoto Credit: Steve Snodgrass
When thinking about large-scale challenges the world faces today—from coronavirus to systemic racism to climate change—it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, or to wonder how our individual actions... Read More...
What Positive Psychology Can Teach Us About Coping with Adversity
Dog looking at peace sign, positive psychology and adversityPhoto Credit: HealthyPsych
While it may seem counterintuitive to focus on the positive in these times of stress and uncertainty, researchers who study positive psychology have found that cultivating positive emotions can be a... Read More...
What Is Narcissism? Separating Misconceptions From Reality
January 6, 2020
graphic of selfie stick for what is narcissism blog postPhoto Credit Tumisu from Pixabay

Learn what narcissism is, why it’s theorized to develop, whether narcissism is actually increasing, and what people can do to become less narcissistic.

Why We Help Others: The Science of Empathy and Altruism (Positive Psychology Series #6)
Dog smiling at owner listening to every word, showing empathyPhoto Credit: tvdflickr

Read about the latest science on empathy, altruism, and prosocial behavior—including research examining ways that empathy and prosociality can be increased.

Bouncing Back When Things Get Difficult: The Psychology of Resilience (Positive Psychology Series #5)
October 9, 2018
resilience as demonstrated by woman lifting weightsPhoto Credit: CrossFit Fever
How much do you agree with the following statement? “Setbacks don’t discourage me. I don’t give up easily.” Psychologists who study resilience have found that some people are able to succeed... Read More...
Play to Your Strengths: The Science of Character Strengths (Positive Psychology Series #4)
Wordcloud of character strengths like wisdom, justice, love and courageMade at
According to psychologists, understanding and utilizing our character strengths and virtues is a key component of living a good life. Rather than feeding the tendency to notice what’s wrong,... Read More...
The Study of Authenticity (Positive Psychology Series #3)
People showing authenticity by jumping into air freelyPhoto Credit: Antoine Gady

What is authenticity? What does the research say about its relationship to well-being? How can we cultivate more of it? Learn more here from social psychologist, Elizabeth Hopper, PhD.

Look on the Bright Side: The Science of Optimism (Positive Psychology Series #2)
November 14, 2017
Ticket stub with text Yes - a word for optimismPhoto Credit: Quinn Dombrowski

Most studies show that being optimistic is good for us: optimists have better mental health and may even live longer.

Positive Psychology: The Theory and Science – Part I
Positive Psychology diagram showing how A positive reinforces B positivePhoto Credit: Jurgen Appalo
Rather than removing pathology, the field of Positive Psychology focuses on ways to cultivate qualities like optimism, gratitude, generosity and resilience. This is the first in a series of upcoming... Read More...