Word Medicine: Poetry Therapy with John Fox
Original Photo Credit: Kendra Luck
Some people may associate poetry with academia, musty books forgotten in the corner of the library, or with the Beat Generation. Because of this, poetry may feel somewhat elusive and obscure.... Read More...
The Link Between Creativity and Happiness
September 30, 2015
Adult Coloring BookPhoto Credit: Maxine De Ruyck
If you’re like most people, you probably drew in coloring books, painted, or worked on another type of art project in elementary school. But, unless you’re a professional artist, you probably... Read More...
Psychology Tools: Cultivating A Wise and Balanced Mind with DBT
September 15, 2015
Finding Balance by woodleywonderworksPhoto Credit: woodleywonderworks
Stressful situations are sometimes inevitable and unfortunately they cannot be avoided.  In these instances it is important to utilize well developed coping skills to successfully navigate through... Read More...
20 Quotes in Memory of Dr. Wayne Dyer, Self-Help Psychologist
September 5, 2015
Wayne Dyer Tribute: "You are in partnership with all other human beings, not a contest to be judged better than some and worse than others."Photo Credit: Marti W
He came from humble beginnings, raised in foster homes and an orphanage, and died a giant. On August 29, 2015, Wayne Dyer, PhD., prolific author and public speaker in the field of self-help... Read More...