Author Posts

July 6, 2015 at 9:45 am

Looks like there’s growing evidence that there is a price to pay for quelling kids with electronic devices.


April 28, 2016 at 4:39 pm

Hi AC,


This reminds me a lot of the ‘anti-nature-deficit disorder’ movement…check this out:

As a former outdoor educator, I can totally attest to what’s suggested here…play has changed in the past 20 years…even spending the night at a friend’s house is now a rarity.






February 21, 2022 at 9:27 pm

Exposing kids to increased screen-time has an adverse effects on them. It affects both their physical as well as mental health. It may cause vision issues, led to a sedentary lifestyle right from childhood, and affect the emotional and mental balance of their mind.

May 28, 2022 at 10:52 pm


Symptoms of depression are more common in children who spend more than two hours a day in front of screens. However, not all screen time is harmful. According to much research, less screen time is better for mental health than non-screen time.

July 2, 2022 at 5:58 am

Today’s kids can’t live without their phones, and all the reading and gaming they do on those tiny screens can damage their eyesight. Some parents ban cell phones at the dinner table to limit screen time, which applies to adults and children. Also, in some households, video games and texting should end two hours before bedtime. Some parents impose time restrictions on their children’s daily device use to limit screen time strictly. This is not only about their eye health; it is also affecting their mental health and behaviour.