The Psychology of Hope: How to Build Hope and a Better Future
The word hope painted on a metal and wood structure that looks like a bleacherPhoto Credit: Steve Snodgrass
When thinking about large-scale challenges the world faces today—from coronavirus to systemic racism to climate change—it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, or to wonder how our individual actions... Read More...
10 Cognitive Clarities (the opposite of cognitive distortions)
November 6, 2015
Along the Arno Winter by J. Kunst at FlickrPhoto Credit: J. Kunst
“Cognitive Clarities,” in contrast to cognitive distortions, are inspired by the premise behind positive psychology – that we can live more joyful and peaceful lives by not just eliminating the... Read More...
Psychology Tools: Identifying Cognitive Distortions
January 28, 2014
The term Cognitive Distortion comes from the theory of cognitive-behavioral therapy – one of the more widely studied and effective forms of talk therapy. A cognitive distortion refers to... Read More...
Psychology Tools: Challenging Cognitive Distortions
January 15, 2014
Challenging cognitive distortions meme: whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right, Henry FordMeme Credit:
As referenced in other material on healthypsych, “cognitive distortions” refer to biased ways we humans think about ourselves and others.  The term has its origins in cognitive-behavioral... Read More...

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