Be Kind to Yourself: Four Ways to Practice Self-Care
February 20, 2017
Self-care. Bayfront Park Miami Free Yoga picture by Rafael Montilla at FlickrPhoto Credit: Rafael Montilla
When was the last time you took time to do something nice for yourself? If you’re like many people, you might find that you’ve been too busy to get a full night of sleep, to cook yourself a good... Read More...
Feeling Stressed? Awe Might Be What You Need
Awe, Photo titled 'Seashell' by Moyan BrennPhoto Credit: Moyan Breen
I still remember feeling awestruck when I saw the Pacific Ocean for the first time as a child. I remember how incredible it felt looking at the waves and realizing that they stretched so much farther... Read More...
The Link Between Creativity and Happiness
September 30, 2015
Adult Coloring BookPhoto Credit: Maxine De Ruyck
If you’re like most people, you probably drew in coloring books, painted, or worked on another type of art project in elementary school. But, unless you’re a professional artist, you probably... Read More...
5 Minute Mindful Breathing Exercise
February 11, 2014
Want to learn more about mindfulness? Try this simple exercise below. This mindfulness of breath exercise is based on the work Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD., founder of Mindfulness Based Stress... Read More...

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