Your Own North Star: Finding Life Purpose and Passion
December 31, 2018
bright star in sky, metaphor of using north star as guide toward life purposePhoto Credit: anieto2k

Just as the literal North Star provides direction and helps us stay on course, so does our inner North Star. It’s the part of us that knows our purpose.

The Study of Authenticity (Positive Psychology Series #3)
People showing authenticity by jumping into air freelyPhoto Credit: Antoine Gady

What is authenticity? What does the research say about its relationship to well-being? How can we cultivate more of it? Learn more here from social psychologist, Elizabeth Hopper, PhD.

21 Highly Successful, Inspiring People with Mental Health Challenges
March 28, 2017

What do Abraham Lincoln, Oprah Winfrey, Carrie Fisher and Hershel Walker have in common? They were highly successful people who faced mental health challenges.

Entering the Liminal Space: An Interview with Expressive Arts Therapist Dr. Lisa Herman
Desert Curves by Shira Bezalel at Flickr, Interview with Lisa Herman, Expressive Arts TherapistPhoto Credit: Shira Bezalel
Expressive arts therapy (EXA) is a form of therapy incorporating multiple arts modalities, such as poetry, movement, painting, music, and storytelling. Process is valued on par with product, and... Read More...
Archetypes: What They Are and How They Help Us Grow
December 30, 2015
Archetypes ExploredArtwork Credit: Janice Geller, MA, LPC
Generally speaking, archetypes relate to universal symbols, characters, or motifs that evoke deep meaning. Some examples of well-known archetypes include the Wise Old Man (think Yoda from Star Wars),... Read More...
20 Quotes in Memory of Dr. Wayne Dyer, Self-Help Psychologist
September 5, 2015
Wayne Dyer Tribute: "You are in partnership with all other human beings, not a contest to be judged better than some and worse than others."Photo Credit: Marti W
He came from humble beginnings, raised in foster homes and an orphanage, and died a giant. On August 29, 2015, Wayne Dyer, PhD., prolific author and public speaker in the field of self-help... Read More...
The Core of Co-Dependency
The only person you can now or ever change is yourself. -Melody Beattie quote, photo by Moyan BrennOriginal Photo Credit: Moyan Brenn
At the center of co-dependency lies low self-esteem and low self-worth or, in different words, negative beliefs about my lovability and my contributions in this world. Because the term co-dependency... Read More...
Individualist or Collectivist? How Culture Influences Behavior
January 30, 2015
Young people from diverse culture backgrounds looking happy and connectedPhoto Credit: Festival Ambulante
If someone asked you to finish the sentence, “I am ________”, what sorts of things would you include in your responses? Your personality traits? Your job title? Your relationships to others?... Read More...
Microaggression: Let’s Face it, We’re all Racists (on the inside)
January 22, 2015
Black Lives Matter - Millions MarchPhoto Credit: Shira Bezalel
The silver lining to the heartbreak surrounding people like Michael Brown and Eric Garner is that it highlights an ugly truth: racism is alive and well, and there’s more work to be done to... Read More...
Healthy Boundaries
Meme related to healthy boundaries and assertiveness, stating "NO is a complete sentence."Original Photo by: Moyan Brenn
For years, I was unaware of how to negotiate healthy boundaries. If a close friend or even a casual acquaintance asked for a favor, I would always say yes. Over time, I’ve learned to incorporate... Read More...

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