What Positive Psychology Can Teach Us About Coping with Adversity
Dog looking at peace sign, positive psychology and adversityPhoto Credit: HealthyPsych
While it may seem counterintuitive to focus on the positive in these times of stress and uncertainty, researchers who study positive psychology have found that cultivating positive emotions can be a... Read More...
Your Own North Star: Finding Life Purpose and Passion
December 31, 2018
bright star in sky, metaphor of using north star as guide toward life purposePhoto Credit: anieto2k

Just as the literal North Star provides direction and helps us stay on course, so does our inner North Star. It’s the part of us that knows our purpose.

Positive Psychology: The Theory and Science – Part I
Positive Psychology diagram showing how A positive reinforces B positivePhoto Credit: Jurgen Appalo
Rather than removing pathology, the field of Positive Psychology focuses on ways to cultivate qualities like optimism, gratitude, generosity and resilience. This is the first in a series of upcoming... Read More...
Feeling Stressed? Awe Might Be What You Need
Awe, Photo titled 'Seashell' by Moyan BrennPhoto Credit: Moyan Breen
I still remember feeling awestruck when I saw the Pacific Ocean for the first time as a child. I remember how incredible it felt looking at the waves and realizing that they stretched so much farther... Read More...
8 Inspiring, Modern Day Spiritual Teachers
April 16, 2015
Purple Flowers PeacefulPhoto Credit: HealthyPsych.com
There are many spiritual teachers out there that offer valuable inspiration and wisdom. This short post discusses the relationship between spirituality and psychology, reviewing 8 spiritual thought... Read More...
Value Driven Life
August 18, 2014
Jeep Sandcastle - Wailea Beach, Maui, imagery associated with clarifying values in lifePhoto Credit: Kim Pratt
Why are values important? Values give us direction and help us figure out what we want our lives to look like. They also give us motivation to go through (rather than avoid) difficult experiences,... Read More...

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