How To Cope With Anxiety About Climate Change
September 26, 2022
love-your-mother-earth-artwork-redwood-tree-climate-change-anxiety-and-optimismPhoto Credit:
Worried about our warming planet? You’re not alone. Psychologists call this eco-anxiety and it’s common. This post discusses ways to make climate anxiety more manageable, so that you... Read More...
Racism is a Psychological Disease – Let’s Heal It
June 12, 2020
Racism is a psychological disease passed down from generation to generation, by society and its institutions. Like any contagious disease, you have to both personally heal from it, and also... Read More...
What Is Narcissism? Separating Misconceptions From Reality
January 6, 2020
graphic of selfie stick for what is narcissism blog postPhoto Credit Tumisu from Pixabay

Learn what narcissism is, why it’s theorized to develop, whether narcissism is actually increasing, and what people can do to become less narcissistic.

Climate Change: Time for a Declaration of Interdependence!
November 23, 2019
beautiful butterfly landing on radiant flower, reflecting interdependence with climate changePhoto Credit: Pixabay from Pexels
The climate change crisis highlights a profound, yet often underappreciated truth: the unequivocal interdependent nature of life. This blog post explores what interdependence means and how it’s... Read More...
Pay More Attention With Intention
October 1, 2019
If we don’t consciously choose what to pay attention to, the choice gets made for us, often leaving us depleted, dissatisfied, distracted and inefficient. Learn more about attention, intention and... Read More...
Mudita: Delight in the Happiness and Success of Others
young person being congratulated with a high fivePhoto Credit: rawpixel from Pixabay
Mudita is a Sanskrit word that refers to the joy (rather than envy or resentment) we feel when others experience happiness and good fortune. The opposite of the German word Schadenfreude, this post... Read More...
Forging One’s Own Path: An Interview with Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Interview with psychoanalyst, astrologer, and writer Sherene Vismaya Schostak on psychotherapy and the hermit archetype.

18 Female Leaders in Psychology who Rock!
September 25, 2017
The word 'Leaders' written on chalkboard. For example, female thought leaders in the field of psychology.Photo Credit: thinkpublic
This list, while not exhaustive, represents a diverse array of powerful, smart women who shaped the field of psychology, social work and human development, from the mid-19th century through the... Read More...
The Age of Happiness: An Interview with Founder Vladimir Yakovlev
June 14, 2017
age of happiness, healthy elderly woman ruth flowers having fun as a DJRuth Flowers (Photo Credit: Age of Happiness)
“The Age of Happiness is a project about people who live a brighter, more interesting and cheerful life than in their youth, who are not afraid to reinvent themselves and fulfill their... Read More...
20 Ways to Let Go of Ego (from David Richo, PhD)

Use this list to help cultivate healthy self-esteem, rather than egotism. From psychotherapist, teacher, and best-selling author, David Richo.


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